The hidden truth end of time part 1 of 39

The hidden truth end of time part 1 of 39

Sounds like your basic lil freestyle to me. Here s a battle that didn t happen, but kind of did. DMX vs. Canibus for the post Hard Knock Life future of mainstream hip hop. We can certainly debate the merits of Bis s artistry and musical career, but at the time when both he and DMX were vying for the opportunity to be that guy, Canibus was just destroying shit uncannily. I was never a big fan of Earl Simmons, I ll admit my bias, but when it dawned on me that the people were choosing a man barking like a dog with quotables like protected by Viper, stand back over mister I speak in frequencies dogs would have trouble hearing it was one of those ah-ha moments to me. Maybe I m overstating the significance here, but this really struck me as a milestone in the general devolution of the hip hop fanbase. red vs ludacris-ludacris couldn t even wash reggie s underwear. That Meleachi rhyme is decent, I think. How old was he when he recorded that. I m guessing 18-19 tops? Put the hidden truth end of time part 1 of 39 rhyme over anything but a vintage Primo track though and I don t know what I d think. Dude actually took the time to type an ENTIRE Melachi verse? Not clowning or anything but wow. I never liked Canibis. I always thought dude was overrated as hell. Next topic. In the WTF is he talkin about? category: Ghostface circa Supreme Clientele vs. Kool Keith circa hell, any era. What y all think? Kool Keith, he has a history of putting bodies in dumpsters forfucksake. Spam, voted as the hidden truth end of time part 1 of 39 greatest rap song ever by the worlds canine population. Classic. Kool Rock Ski would have taken out Heavy D but probably not Chubb. Spliff Star for the better blunts; Busta smokes Jigga doesn t except when he contradicts himself.

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